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Showing posts with the label Personality development books

Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck written by Mark Manson

The Subtle art of not giving a fuck is one of the best self growth books ever written. The writer writes the book in a  really intersting manner.Mark Manson conveys the message in a beautiful way and describes it clearly.This book is filled with many entertaining and interesting stories which makes the reader to understand the point.According to Mark ,self improvement is really about prioritizing better values,giving fucks to better things.Because when you give better fucks you get better problems and when you get better problems you get better like.Author discusses about counterintuitive values that are the most beneficial values one can adopt.These values are very unconventional and uncomfortable.But they are life changing.The author beautifully explains that ''With great responsibility comes great power''.The more we choose to accept responsibility in our lives,the more power we will exercise over our lives.Accepting responsibility for our problems is thu...

Book review :Art of dealing with people written by Les Giblin

This book is short and written in an easy to understand language and can be completed in a day.This book gives you some tips and techniques of how to deal with people and improve our communication skills. The author tells the readers how to communicate effectively,how to criticize others without offending them and also conveys the importance of making others feel important. The author covers all such topics in a beautiful manner and delivers a short and crisp message. Implement the principles written in this book in your life and achieve success and happiness. Happy reading!!!

Book review:Think and grow rich written by Napolean Hill

This book is quiet interesting. The author has been working on this book past many years .He met most successful persons and did the analysis of how they became rich.He has written the most common principles and thoughts that the successful people followed to achieve success.This book covers all the important things so that after implementing the principles shared in this book, man can become rich and achieve success in life. Must read book. If you want to read the detailed review of Think and grow rich then you can visit the following link- Think and grow rich by Napolean Hill Happy reading!!!

Best personality development books to read

Hey there,do you want to improve your personality and  want to improve your communication skills??If yes, then you can read the following books and implement the principles written by the respective author's. 1.How to win friends and influence people by Dale carnegie - This is one of the best selling books of all time.This book shares some tips and techniques to improve our personality .It tells you how to talk to people,how to make friends and how to make human relationships better. This book covers 4 sections. The first section states some Fundamental techniques in handling people.The second section tells good ways to make people like you.The third section is all about influencing the people and how to win them to your way of thinking.The last section tells you about how to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment. If you want to read the detailed review the above mentioned book then you can visit this link- Detailed review of how to win friend...

Book review of Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life.

Ikigai is one of the best self-help books that encourages you to find your Ikigai( reason to jump out of your bed each morning).This book tells us the Japanese secrets to live  a long and happy life. This book tells the readers to find the flow in everything they do so that you get closer to their Ikigai.This book encourages you to Live in the moment and tells you to stop regretting the past and fearing the future.   The author suggests you to stay active and not to retire and keep doing valuable things,making progress, bringing beauty or utility to others, helping out and shaping the world around you.   The book will show you how to nurture friendship and suggests you to surround yourself with good friends.This book tells you to eat less than your hunger demands,doing this you can have a healthier life. So at last but not least follow your Ikigai and if you don't know what your Ikigai is yet,then your mission is to discover it. Happy reading!!!

Detailed book review of How to win friends and influence people

  This is one of the best selling books of all time.This book shares some tips and techniques to improve our personality . It tells you how to talk to people,how to make friends and how to make human relationships better.  This book covers 4 sections. The first section states some Fundamental techniques in handling people.The second section tells good ways to make people like you.The third section is all about influencing the people and how to win them to your way of thinking.The last section tells you about how to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment.Let's discuss these sections in detail- Fundamental techniques in handling people-            1. Don't criticize,condemn or complain -Instead of condemning people,let's try to understand   them.Let's try to figure out what they do and why they do.That's a lot more profitable and intriguing than criticism;and it breeds sympathy,tolerance...

Book review:How to win friends and influence people written by Dale carnegie

  This is one of the best selling books of all time.This book shares some tips and techniques to improve our personality . It tells you how to talk to people,how to make friends and how to make human relationships better.  This book covers 4 sections. The first section states some Fundamental techniques in handling people.The second section tells good ways to make people like you.The third section is all about influencing the people and how to win them to your way of thinking.The last section tells you about how to change people without giving offence or arousing resentment. You must  implement  the principles written in this book.Make sure you read this book not only once or twice but 5 times as the author suggests.Many important tips are given in this book with good examples in an impressive format.  Happy reading!!!

Detailed book review of Think and grow rich written by Napoleon Hill

This book is quiet interesting. The author has been working on this book past many years .He met most successful persons and did the analysis of how they became rich.He has written the most common principles and thoughts that the successful people followed to achieve success.This book covers all the important things so that after implementing the principles shared in this book, man can become rich and achieve success in life. Most important chapters of this book- 1.Desire- It is the most important chapter of this book.Because without desire you can't achieve what you want to achieve. "Wishing will not bring riches.But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession,then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches and backing those plans and persistence which does not recognize failure,will bring riches." Some practical steps are written in this book by which you can build your desire to become rich.Keep  implementing them on daily basis ...

Detailed Book review of Art of dealing with people written by Les Giblin

This book is short and written in an easy to understand language and can be completed in a day.This book gives you some tips and techniques of how to deal with people and improve our communication skills. Some tips are-  1.Handle the human ego - You have to lower your self to be petty.Help other to like themselves better:satisfy their hunger for self-esteem.Anyone is more agreeable, more understanding and more co-operative if you feed the ego....not with insincere flattery,but wit h genuine compliments and real praise. 2.Become a master conversationalist - Get people talking about themselves.If you can stimulate others to talk,you will acquire a  reputation as a good conversationalist.Use happy talk. You need to know what people want;what they need;and who they are in order to deal them effectively. 3. Develop an attractive personality - Use the triple A formula Acceptance - Those who accept and like people and like people,and accept them just as they ,have the most in...